The consumer was paying nearly 400 euros per electricity bill (every two months). The net-metering solar PV system of 3kW capacity is going to cover more than 60% of electricity demands.

Saving up to €1500 per year means that the return of investment is around 4 years.

The solar net-metering project in Cyprus allows consumers and local authorities to generate up to 3kW of electricity using solar panel technology and to deliver the generated electricity to the local distribution facilities.
Net-metering photovoltaic system / design and installation for a house located in Germasogeia.

What our office offered to the client:

  • Document arrangements and submissions
  • Return of investment (ROI) evaluation
  • Comparison between different technologies (PV panels and PV Inverters)
  • Installation solutions regarding orientation and shading challenges
  • Installation, control, regulation and monitoring of the system

